Friday, April 23, 2010

Taylor Mason in Warren

Taylor Mason will be at the Warren Library Theatre on Friday, April 30th at 7 pm.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Typical Spring Day

If you live in the north, this will be very familiar to you. If you live don't live in a climate like ours, let me describe a somewhat common April day.

Both of these pictures were taken on Saturday, April 10th. On Friday, the 9th, I mowed the lawn in shorts and a t-shirt and I was hot. Saturday morning we woke up and all the ground was covered in snow and we had to clean off our car windows. Then Saturday afternoon we were out in the backyard playing ball once again in shorts. The common expression around here in the spring is, "If you don't like the weather, wait an hour, cuz it will change."

Some of us have lives that seem like Spring in Northwestern PA. Nothing seems to be constant. Every moment the unexpected seems to happen. Wouldn't it be nice if something was constant? If something was rock solid and unchanging?

Well, there is. It is our Lord Jesus Christ. He never changes, never has a bad day and is never in a bad or unpredictable mood. What a comfort to serve a God who truly is the constant in our lives.

I love the weather here, but I am sure glad my mood or life is based on Jesus and not on something ever changing like the weather.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Other Criminal


There were two thieves on the cross with Jesus. The one hurled insults at the Jesus and seemingly lashed out at him. But the other criminal was very different. He looked at Jesus and saw the true savior. He saw an innocent man. He saw a king whose kingdom was not of this world. He saw someone who was on an eternal mission and he wanted to be part of it. He knew that his deeds deserved death, but he somehow knew that Jesus had the answer to even death.

He turned to Jesus and said, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus looked back at him and said, “ I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

It sounds so simple. The criminal recognized that he was a sinner who deserved death. He believed that Jesus was innocent and died for others. He turned to Jesus and trusted in him for his eternity. Jesus’ response was quick and clear. “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”

My friends, I encourage you to take another look at Jesus and turn to him. He is the answer to all our problems – including victory over death.

Have an awesome day as you live the Life He has called you to.