Monday, May 3, 2010

A Simple Truth

Here is a very simple truth that many, even most in our culture do not believe. I challenge you to consider if it's true and consider if you believe it.

I have a Creator who Made me, therefore, I am Needed!!


  1. I think you may have to expand on that before it makes sense in a world where creation (art, etc.) is seen as a good act in and of itself but not necessarily for any purpose other than an unfettered action of the will. (Of course, if you are a Calvinist, this may not bother you.) One might argue that much of the art produced in the last 100 but especially 40 years attempts to drive home the doctrine that there is no point and therefore can be no necessity.

    Also, "needed" might just be too strong here if the needing party is the Creator. He might have a purpose for you but Esther argues pretty strongly against our necessity. "Wanted," "desired," "loved," or even "purposed" (for rhetorical use only, please! lol) may work better.

    Fun stuff as usual, Rick.

  2. God, of course, is self-sufficient, therefore He has no needs - Never has, never will. The need we are fulfilling is the need He created. That need was originally stated in Gen. 1,2 where we are to have dominion over his creation and we are called to work and take care of his garden.

    We can certainly draw that out further that He has created "jobs" within His Kingdom that we are designed to fulfill. Ben, I really appreciate your insight.
