Friday, October 9, 2009

Don't be afraid to strike out!!

I love October Baseball. I have some very significant memories of the past 32 years of watching the MLB playoffs. My earliest memory is rushing home from school (3rd grade) in 1978 and watching the Yankees and Red Sox play the one game playoff to determine the division championship. If you recall that was the game that Bucky Dent, a weak hitting shortstop, hit the unlikely home run to win the game - Unbelievable.

I remember sitting in my dorm room in 1988 gathered around a little tv set with a bunch of guys as we watched through the "snowy reception" as Kirk Gibson hit maybe the most amazing game-winning home run ever. His knees were so injured, he could barely walk. He hobbled up in the bottom of the ninth as a pinch hitter and hit the "walk off" home run.

And then there was Yankee third baseman, Aaron Boone hitting a knuckleball from Tim Wakefield of the Red Sox into the left field stands to win the game in the bottom of the 12th inning. Wow - it was amazing!

Lest I get carried away as I stroll down memory lane. There is a point to this. All those people who had the great hits had one thing in common. I could have mentioned Scott Brocius, Derek Jeter, Joe Carter, Carlton Fisk, Chris Chambliss, Reggie Jackson Bill Mazeroski, Bobby Thompson, or many more. But all these players whose names will live in baseball history for their heroic accomplishments had one thing in common. One big thing. What was their one thing in common? They all swung the Bat!!!! None of them stood there and watched. Reggie Jackson who was nicknamed Mr. October for his remarkable feats during the playoffs and World Series made an interesting statement last week. When asked how he did so well on the "Big Stage", He said, "I stayed relaxed and I wasn't afraid to strike out."

I love that. So, in your life and in the things that Jesus calls you to, make sure you give it a swing and don't be afraid to strike out. There is no end to what Jesus can do through you when you are swinging.

And, by the way, enjoy the playoffs and Go Yankees!

1 comment:

  1. One would never guess that you were a baseball fan! ! ! ! Love Ya, MOM
