Monday, November 2, 2009


Sunday morning I asked the people at Praise Fellowship to answer this question: If money were not an issue, what is your vision? What do you want to see God do?

We had people write their visions down on 3x5 cards in keeping in line with Habakkuk 2:2 "Write the vision down and make it plain on tables, That he may run who reads it...."

I just got done reading about 75 of the visions that some of our people wrote down. Wow!!!! I am hanging out with some amazing visionaries. There is such a hunger and desire to see God be who He says He is. This is indeed a season to dream. No matter how great our plans are, God's are bigger. He has the audacity to desire that the "whole earth be filled with His Glory." :-)

So, my encouragement to you is to dream dreams that God has put on your heart. Share them with other people and then take action as He leads.

Why not here, why not now, why not us?


  1. While I don't disagree with the general thrust of this post, I do disagree with how you've chosen to use the Scriptures. I would seriously reassess how you are approaching the Scriptures if that is how you interpret this passage. I mean, essentially you are comparing what your parishioners (Is that term passe in evangelicalism?) wrote down with the direct revelation of God Himself which was then recorded and kept as a part of the Scriptures. That's a pretty tall order to fill, friend.

  2. Loved your idea to allow the members of your church to dream... Are we not allowed to dream now that we are grown up?? Are they just dreams or could it really be a God Desire? Desire can be broken down into de - sire... "From the Father"... So maybe our deep hearted DESIRES are actually from GOD!! I truly believe it!!
