Friday, January 8, 2010

72 Hour Prayer & Fasting

Once again, this weekend at PF there is a call to prayer and fasting. For three days there are people in the sanctuary and in their homes seeking the face of God. It is quite an awesome sight to see and just to know it's happening is pretty amazing. We believe that when Jesus taught us to pray in the "Lord's Prayer" He meant it when He said, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Let's believe that He wants His kingdom to come now, to come here and to use us.

If you have things that you would like prayer for e-mail them to

And come and join those praying anytime through Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. i liked the concept of prayer requests and then written words of God's faithfulness. We had a prayer room at Elim where we had tables for prayer requests, like personal, school, world, missionaries, etc. And I love having note cards and pieces of paper like that. Maybe it's because I'm a sticky note person or maybe it's because I'm a visual person. But to look at where we need God to provide is easier to see when we look at how faithful He has been and how He has NEVER failed.
