Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Memories from Elim

Today I went up to Elim Bible Institute to join them in their annual week of prayer. This is a week they set aside every January to seek the heart of the Father. In the three years that Sandie and I attended there from 96-99, those were some very special weeks. It is always good to go back and spend time in the place where I met God so many times. We had chapels in the Tab four days a week and He was so faithful to let His glory be evident to all. I walked around campus today and as I looked at buildings, the lawn, classrooms and even our little apartment, I was drawn back to those precious times with Jesus.

As I drove away I was reminded by the Lord that as excited as I am about today and about the future I should never lose sight of the past. We should always be remembering those times that God showed Himself faithful over and over again. I hope you have memories of precious times with Jesus. And I hope that the things happening in your life now are producing memories that in ten years you will back upon as being very precious.

And, by the way, if you are looking for a good Bible School, Elim is one of the best. :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Elim is onte of the best. Part of me was tempted to be jealous. But I have to say that yesterday was an absolute incredible day of encouraging various people in the truth of how Jesus sees them and how valuable they are and I think I was meant to be here. A friend of mine said God is up to some pretty cool stuff at Elim. Glad you had a great time. :-)

  3. Ah..yes...this is ELIM country...
    But we must not forget other notable Jesus-
    centered Institutes...perhaps in warmer climate, like CHRIST FOR THE NATIONS, Dallas, TX!!!

    Guess Who
