Friday, July 10, 2009


On Sunday I taught about Forgiveness. It's the first in what will probably be a 3 or 4 week series. I am completely overwhelmed by forgiveness right now. I am in awe of how Jesus forgave us and I am so impressed with how awesome it is to forgive others. I believe that the secret to true freedom is in forgiveness. Forgiving is amazing - Give it a try.

Ask God to impress upon you His forgiveness and then ask Him to give you the ability, even desire to forgive. Then do it.

1 comment:

  1. you are right rick. forgiveness leads to total freedom of the heart.However as humans full of sin it is often times so hard to forgive.But if we want Gods will to be done in our lives we must forgive.I find myself in that situation now.I have been wronged by a person i trusted so much and it is hard but i forgive him and only wish Gods will to be done.You know this person very well because he hurt the whole church and his wife still cries at the alter. I pray for his soul as he turned his back on God and his flock for the flesh.He is human and i forgive him but i know this was not Gods will.
