Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Warren County Fair

If you are from a rural area, you know there is nothing quite like a County Fair. And Warren's is quintessential small town America fair. It seems as though no one would even think about missing the fair. People go to see the cows, the tractors, the pigs, the crafts, you name it and it's there. But the thing that really draws the people is the people.

As I walk through the grounds I literally see dozens (more like 100's) of people that I know and probably haven't seen in maybe a year or more. People at the fair know you and they know your name. Much like the old "Cheers" theme song. We all want to go where everyone knows your name. There is something in each of us that is longing for genuine community. That is one of my favorite things about the Body of Christ. It is genuine community.

Once again, this year, Praise Fellowship has a big tent set up at the fair. It is a cafe with live music, free coffee and cold drinks. 100's of people come by every day to visit the cafe. They are given coffee, tracts, people pray for them or they just need a place to hang out. It is a pretty special atmosphere as those at the tent simply serve as hosts and hostesses for the people who enter.

Hey, I love the fair. And when the fair and the Body of Christ meet it is a very good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey buddy,
    It's an interesting impression about the fair and the Body of Christ !
    When I'm looking for a Church or a small group to join, I seek for love, communion, and joy.
    That's why! When the Body of Christ is serving the Lord like hosts and hostesses,It becomes easier to see a genuine community.
