Wednesday, June 10, 2009


In his book, A Replica of Greatness, Douglas Pratt discusses humility, which he calls the elusive virtue. He calls it elusive because just when you think you have achieved it, that's when you lose it. It really is an interesting virtue that Jesus calls us to display. He gave us the example and as Phil 2 says, our attitude should be the same as that of our Lord Jesus.

So, here is Pratt's succinct definition. I really like it.

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's just not thinking about yourself at all."

Think about that and may the Lord make us true, humble servants just as Jesus was and is.


  1. If you look at the icons of the Ladder of Divine Ascent ( the people falling off the top are those who gain great spiritual heights only to fall through their pride. Humility is the greatest and scariest of all the virtues because in it we enter most deeply into the true life of the Christian and lose the most if we later fall. Also, I would recommend reading the Ladder. It is intended for monastics as its primary audience, but the rest of us find it very useful as well.

  2. Thanks for the insights, Ben. I will check it out.
