Saturday, June 20, 2009


Last night with the kids was a great experience.  They have about 30 - 40 kids who come every Friday night.  They are really special children.  We went up river today to scout out the camp.  Wow, is this exciting.  (Unfortunately, the internet here is too slow to upload pictures, so they will have to wait until Anchorage.)  The land is 12 miles up river and the ride and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking.  Much of the land is muddy and full of brush, but there is a lot of "beach" area.  That is where we will have the sleeping quarters (tents) and the campfire.  It is also where we will play.  We walked the land and prayed over it.  

We thought we were going up there on Monday and helping to clear the land.  Well, it turns out that we are going to be building an outhouse and then in the afternoon they are bringing up a bunch of kids and we are holding a camp for two nights.  I think it's so funny how God has surprises lined up for us in this great life.  

On our way up we saw up close and personal a beautiful bald eagle.  Wow, what an impressive bird.  

Tomorrow we have church service in the morning.  Well, here's another great surprise.  There are about 7 people in the church who want to get baptized.  So, in the afternoon we are having a baptism.  We have a little baptismal that they have never used and we put it in the sanctuary.  We will have communion the the morning, presentation of ISOM school certificates in the afternoon.  Baptism at 3:00 and then a Pot Luck supper to follow with a bunch of Native food.

I will try to update this tomorrow evening but then we will be up river Monday - Wednesday so I won't be around the web.

On a side note, after 3 days up here I think we finally got caught up on sleep.  Last night was the first night that I really got any sleep.  I think about 6 or so hours.  It's not the jet lag, it's the fact that it never gets dark.  This is really messes with the mind.

We are having an unbelievable time and we thank you all so much for praying.

1 comment:

  1. It is funny to me that the Sunday before Larissa and I get to go up there, we have the Sunday for the commemoration of All Saints of America. Sts. Innocent and Herman of Alaska were mighty men of God who helped to introduce Christianity to the natives and St. Peter the Aleut(a particular favorite of mine) was the first martyr among the natives. We made sure to ask for their intercessions today at our reliquary and I've been praying for your safety in the land that brought the fullness of the faith to North America. I'm not surprised that you are awed by it. After all, the saints have walked there.
