Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pastoral Counseling

So, there are many questions that a pastor gets. Some are very serious - even life and death. Some are Biblical in nature as a person is seeking an answer to a particular issue. Many people want advice on their future or have relational questions. Then there are other questions that we get that are very practical.

Today I was talking on the phone in my office when a person came and handed me a note. It read, "I flushed the toilet in the downstairs bathroom and it just keeps flushing. I don't know what to do." I just laughed and smiled and when I was finished with my phone call I went down and fixed the toilet. (Or at least fixed it temporarily.)

But here's the thought for today. If we are unwilling to deal with the practical side of life, we are unable to deal with any side of life. Most of what our lives are made of are the very simple and mundane things. That is where life is lived. We like to think that our ministry is this great amazing thing that we do for God. When in reality our greatest ministry might just be in loving him in our daily lives.

So, get out there and fix some toilets. That's the real ministry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick,

    Howz it goin'? Came across your blog at Aldrin's status comment. I have started a Christian arts'n expression movement - God Likes Funky Music Too. http://www.godlikesfunkymusictoo.com. Check it out. We have a blog where we have faith writers write in and we publish them. Would love to have you as one as one. Mail me back glfmt@godlikesfunkymusictoo.com.

    Chief Administrator
    God Likes Funky Music Too
