Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mid-Week Mullings

"Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear:  Forget your people and your father's house.  The king is enthralled by your beauty;  honor him, for he is your Lord."  Psalm 45:10,11  (NIV)

Please read these words as they are spoken directly to you.  And the King is our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Notice what he thinks about you - He is crazy about you.  We know that there are many in this world who are not nice to each other.  They are mean and they seem to desire bad things for your life.  You may feel that you are not rich enough, not talented enough, not smart enough, not fun enough, or not pretty enough to meet up to "their" standards.  Well, the Lord has some good news for you!  

He says to "forget your people and your father's house".  I believe he wants us to not pay attention to all the other voices out there - unfortunately some of those negative voices are even coming from our families.  Instead, he wants us to know what he thinks about us.  He is enthralled by our beauty.  Did you hear that?  The creator of the universe is crazy about YOU.  

Many voices and opinions will come and go, but this voice of truth will always remain - Jesus is madly, evenly jealously in love with you, His Child.  We are to live our lives as an overflow of that love.

God bless you all. 

1 comment:

  1. That Psalm has been one of my favorite of late since it was shown to me in a discussion of the Mother of God. The ancient Church saw this as a prophecy of her. Since she is the prototype for Christians, these words are especially fitting for her as we attempt to look more like her and, hence, Christ.
